
Ennead: The Rule of Nine | An Epic Trade Paperback

Created by J. L. Johnson Jr.

Collect issues 1-7 in this ongoing series full of deep lore, grandiose world building, and classic high fantasy trappings.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

All Rewards Have Been Shipped!
about 2 years ago – Mon, Jan 09, 2023 at 06:38:18 PM

Well folks, we made it. All rewards have been packaged and shipped. Check your inboxes for tracking numbers and keep your eyes open for those delivery trucks!

If you haven't heard, tomorrow I'll be launching Ennead's sixth campaign. This one will be for a special edition of the comic. You can sign up for notifications here and check out the campaign video below:


The Eagle Has Landed
about 2 years ago – Wed, Dec 28, 2022 at 10:32:32 AM

I've always wanted an excuse to use that phrase. The most anticipated delivery of my life thus far made it safely yesterday and I am more excited than I anticipated!

Trade in full color!
Art and color by Liana Kangas!
Hlavin meet in secret.
Arguably, my favorite two page spread in the entire series thus far. Art by Luke Horsman, color by Bea Navarro.

Based on the timing of delivery I am going to send these out in batches with the expectation that all will be shipped by 1/11/23. This should allow for some of the holiday clutter to clear out and lower the risk that your rewards don't get lost in the shuffle.

Thanks again for your support and patience! 

Happy Holidays!


January it is...
about 2 years ago – Fri, Dec 23, 2022 at 07:32:12 AM


Unfortunately folks I don't have good news. Despite CWS's best efforts they've yet to ship out the color version of the books. I'm going to pack things up through the remainder of the holiday season as far as fulfillment goes. Once I hear about a shipping date I will let you know but I won't be shipping any books until the new year.

My apologies. Have a happy and healthy end to this year!


Shipping Delays
about 2 years ago – Mon, Dec 19, 2022 at 10:34:49 AM

Afternoon folks,

I held off on sending this email because I'd put in a request for an update on shipping status with the printer earlier this week but I've yet to get a response. Up to this point, I've had no issues with CWS so I won't hold it against them just yet.

Unfortunately this means I won't be able to ship by the 2nd week of December as I'd hoped. Considering how difficult it can be to ship reliably during the holiday season here in the states I'm not going to make any further promises about December shipping at this time. What I will promise is this:

As soon as I hear back from the printer and have a reliable date to go off of I will provide said estimate.

The book is in fact colored, and while I had not anticipated such a serious delay, this one is on me. Thus far I've been able to nail tight windows but everyone involved in this process is human so mistakes are inevitable.

I'd planned on keeping the digital version of the color comic for exclusive publication on my Substack but considering the delays and the very high likelihood that these books won't arrive at your door until sometime in January, it's only right that I share the digital copy with all who are waiting for the physical color volume. If your Kickstarted pledge includes a physical copy of the color version of volume one, check your Kickstarter inbox once you've finished reading this message. If you check and it isn't there yet, well you're just faster than I am. Give it 5 minutes then come back and check out Ennead in all of it's glory.

Thank you again for your support,


Some proof that the order was placed. Screen grab from my order back on 11/14/22.

The Order is Confirmed!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Dec 07, 2022 at 10:04:36 AM

Well folks, the order for the color version of Volume 1 is in!

I'm grateful for your support and patience in this process and I will keep you updated on how fulfillment goes from here. One change of note, I will be personally fulfilling all of these. If I'm honest, it's a budgeting move and it won't change the timeline much if at all.

I'll be in touch.