Ennead: The Rule of Nine | An Epic Trade Paperback
Created by J. L. Johnson Jr.
Collect issues 1-7 in this ongoing series full of deep lore, grandiose world building, and classic high fantasy trappings.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Return of The (Number) King
almost 3 years ago
– Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 05:26:47 PM
What a start!
This campaign has blown me away. I can't remember if I used this corny dad joke of a title last campaign or not but who cares? It's everything I am: a dad, fantasy fan, and flat out corny. Unlike my typical number crunch updates I am going to just give you two images for now. They say a picture is worth a thousand words:
My first Kickstarter.
The first 72 hours of my fifth Kickstarter.
This is simply a testament to the grind, the skill of my team, and the power of crowdfunding. I'm immensely grateful for all of your support.
"In Ancient Ireland, Balor was one of the fiercest and most powerful evils! Known as Balor of the Evil Eye due to the destructive power of his cursed eye. Balor would eventually fall and his eye would create the crater which would become Loch an Suil (Lake of the Eye).
For millenia many tried to syphon the power of Balor from the Earth by creating shrines to the Demon King, but all were stopped by the power Faeries tasked with keeping his magic from falling into the wrong hands, until Sean James was deemed worthy..."
All of that seems intriguing, but can I be honest? The finger guns got me. Check out Balor today.
Now we Stretch!
almost 3 years ago
– Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 08:41:55 AM
Now that we've hit our goal (and then some) it's time for Stretch Goals! If you're new here all that means is for each new "Stretch Goal" we hit, there's a new reward. In some cases it'll be for everyone and in others it'll just be for certain tiers. You can always readjust your if you feel so inclined. Here are the first three stretch goals:
Yup. You read that correctly! We've already unlocked our first stretch goal! Thismap will be added to the back of all books!
A scene featuring Ngia'wi of The Order of The Jade Crest and her mission that lies ahead!
A holographic version of this cover will be available for purchase. Any who would like to switch tiers WILL NOT LOSE their early bird rewards.
I'll do a deep dive into numbers tomorrow once I have processed how amazing these first two days have been. Until then, those of you who are not currently on my mailing list may want to check out my Substack. I'm doing a free preview right now of all my eventual paywalled content. Tomorrow I release my second in-universe short story. No spoilers to worry about!
"MAGIC POWDER takes place in a fantasy world that has a modern feel. While the realm is vast, the majority of our tale takes place in the "Free City" of Thesz. It follows the Dwarvfather's MAGIC POWDER cartel, and how it's all crumbling down due to one bored Elf.
War has broken out on the streets of Thesz. The Dwarvfather is stuck in the dungeons, the orc boss is missing, and the goblins want revenge for what took place in Issue #1. The Librarian Zjah, and his accomplice Volta are letting it all play out from their comfy elf homes in Getier."
Looking for an urban fantasy story with a super modern twist? Look no further than Magic Powder!
I'll be back tomorrow with numbers and two new tiers!
That was an EPIC Day 1
almost 3 years ago
– Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 04:47:02 PM
5 campaigns in, the rush of hitting launch is still the same. I managed to go about 2 months with no nerves- prelaunch, finishing Book 7, planning, marketing- nothing. 3 minutes before hitting "Ready to Launch" I was pacing back and forth like a chicken with its.. you get the picture. Right?
To those of you who've returned to support Ennead once again, thank you. To those of you who are here for the first time, thank you.
If you've been here before you know I like to update daily during a campaign so I won't go too far in the first 1. Just a good old fashioned thank you. That and a campaign that I think you'd like to check out.
Did you like the cover on the color trade? Well here's another by Liana Kangas! They sure do know how to make a cover pop, huh?
"Looking to live out her dreams of becoming an actress, timid Piña Axletree takes a tonic and wakes up in a parallel world, leading a drug syndicate. Will she run back to the familiar doldrums of her reality or become a more ruthless version of herself to achieve her dreams?"
Parallel universes, doppelgängers, and another awesome cover by Liana Kangas? What more could you ask for? This one is being funded over on Zoop, a similar crowdfunding site for indie creators like yours truly. Please check out Brittany and co.'s work before it's too late! Funding ends in 7 days and they are still just over $1K shy of hitting their target!