
Ennead: The Rule of Nine | An Epic Trade Paperback

Created by J. L. Johnson Jr.

Collect issues 1-7 in this ongoing series full of deep lore, grandiose world building, and classic high fantasy trappings.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Colors are Complete!
over 2 years ago – Mon, Nov 14, 2022 at 10:24:11 AM

You read that right folks! Bea Navarro has done an outstanding job this year (really these last 6 months) and gotten Ennead Volume 1 completely colored. I'm excited to share a few of my favorite pages with you in just a bit; but first, updates:

Due to timing and scheduling conflicts I had to find someone new to format the books for print and digital release this time around, but fear not, I will be signing a contract and sending that individual materials needed this afternoon and the books should be ready to go to print this Friday, November 11th!

That said, I typically do a rush order which has the books ready for shipping within 6-13 days. Worse case scenario, books get to me last week of November/first week of December. It is my goal to get these out the door as soon as possible and I plan on tackling that a few different ways:

  • Those of you just waiting on Books, you'll be getting your orders directly from Comix Well Spring.
  • Those of you waiting on Color and B/W books will have orders shipped out as soon as I get them (that end of Nov/beginning of Dec window I pointed out)
  • Those of you waiting on t-shirts along with your books, will likely not have orders placed in the mail until the first or second week of December. I apologize for that, but my wife and I just so happen to be deep into house hunting mode and we may or may not be moving within the next few weeks. More to come on that...

All updates aside, take a look at these pages!

It's not too late to tell your friends about Ennead and invite them to be here before the masses. I've got a lot in store for 2023, this color volume is just the beginning.

Thank you once again for your support! 


Two Things Too Good Not to Share
over 2 years ago – Sun, Nov 06, 2022 at 06:47:06 AM

Full Disclosure: I was really proud of myself for the title of this update.


Volume 1 is full colored through Book 5! I'm very excited to share Thing #1 that's too good not to share:

Inahtuu dons his helm for the first time.
Bea Navarro added so much to this page. It's one of my favorites from Luke Horsman anyway, but now...

Thing # 2:

Tenoch: God of Fire

The God of Fire Wields a Burning Sword
Tenoch is a like a history lesson in super hero comic book form. Check it out!

"Tenoch God of Fire is a new superhero epic that aims to bring Mesoamerican culture to the forefront of the comic book industry! If you like brutal fights between gods and monsters like in God of War and Blood of Zeus, and Aztec mythology and culture, this is going to be your new favorite book! Five hundred years after the fall of Tenochtitlan, Tenoch is looking to celebrate pre-Columbian civilizations and their immortal legacy in today’s world.

Tenoch is the Aztec warrior god of fire who lives in permanent mourning after failing to protect his kingdom from the Spanish conquest 500 years ago. Mictlantecutli, the goddess of death, recruits Tenoch to find an ancient mystical artifact that is sure to bring back the Aztec Empire in all its glory, but before obtaining it the God of Fire will have to face an immortal enemy of tremendous power! Meanwhile, Quetzalcoatl, the god of wisdom, is forced into a battle for his survival when facing an ancient foe."

This one is fully funded and deserves your support!


Well... This Happened Yesterday
over 2 years ago – Thu, Nov 03, 2022 at 05:28:22 PM

Ngia'wi faces off with a teal tigon.
I can't spoil this scene, but I really want to show you the entire page...

For those of you who've read all of Volume 1 you know that this is the second to last page... and here it is in color! You know what that means, right? We are almost ready to format this book and send it off to print. 

While I want to promise an exact shipping date we are still one or two steps away from that just yet. That said, it does look like we will be shipping these babies out before the end of the month as promised!

Thank you again for your patience and trust.

One other thing, I'm taking part in NaNoWriMo this year. For those who don't know, that stands for National Novel Writing Month. While I am in fact working on the first novel set in this universe, I will use this month instead to finally write the official Amashik Worldbook. I had a solid first day and wrote 1,530 words, a few shy of the daily goal of 1,666 (that'll get me to 50,000 which is the NaNoWriMo target) and I am excited to keep going today.

Depending on how well this goes you may see this book on Kickstarter as early as January! If you want to stay up to date on my progress make sure you subscribe to my mailing list if you haven't already. You can do so here.


Last Week to Back Concrete Arcanum!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 05:13:46 AM

Don't miss out on this fun fantasy anthology project featuring yours truly and a few artists you are familiar with from the team that brought you Ennead: The Rule of Nine. With art by CJ Oechsle and colors by Bea Navarro "The Retrieval" features a tactical team tasked with securing an asset that's vital to the balance of magical power across the globe. Now that the veil's been lifted and the world knows that magic exists our team must do their part to make sure things don't turn dark.

You only have a few days left! Pledge your support now!


over 2 years ago – Mon, Sep 12, 2022 at 05:03:26 PM

Good Afternoon folks,

If you're reading this you supported my most recent Kickstarter project for Ennead's first trade paperback. Thank you once again for supporting my work and helping my writing career get off to a strong start. It is on that note that I want to invite you to back Concrete Arcanum!

I'm really excited about "The Retrieval," which is the 8 pager myself, CJ Oechsle, and Bea Navarro created for this one! Click here and check out the Kickstarter page!

Today's the unofficial (a.k.a. secret) launch of this 120 page anthology featuring myself and 35 awesome creators, telling 20 tales about monsters and magic in the modern world. What would happen if the existence of magic and monsters became public knowledge?

CLICK HERE to go to the Kickstarter page and find out!

Check out this sample if you need to see more!

Not only that, but the first 100 physical backers get this magic-emoji circle sticker for free! So you're getting bumped to the front of the line for that, too!

And just in case that wasn't enough, everyone who backs within the first 3 days will be getting this bonus bundle of 5 more comics for backing at any level!

Don't miss out!

I appreciate your support of Ennead and I have a good feeling you'll enjoy this anthology!


Oh yeah... the colors for the trade are coming along nicely. Take a look for yourself:

Book 5, May We Find Peace. Art by Luke Horsman. Colors by Bea Navarro.
Book 5, May We Find Peace. Art by Luke Horsman. Colors by Bea Navarro.