
Ennead: The Rule of Nine | An Epic Trade Paperback

Created by J. L. Johnson Jr.

Collect issues 1-7 in this ongoing series full of deep lore, grandiose world building, and classic high fantasy trappings.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Final (Week) Countdown
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Apr 14, 2022 at 07:11:06 PM

If you didn't catch yesterday's video I'll sum it up here:

I'm grateful. I'm tired. I'm ready to take Ennead to the next level.

That said, in order to know where you're heading you have to know where you've been. Let's take a look at the numbers over the final week of my 4 previous campaigns:

  • Campaign # 1- $933/ 44 Backers/ Avg. Pledge $21
  • Campaign # 2- $1,343/ 40 Backers/ Avg. Pledge $33
  • Campaign # 3- $1,047/ 42 Backers/ Avg. Pledge $25
  • Campaign # 4- $1,521/ 46 Backers/ Avg. Pledge $33

Interestingly, the average pledge over the final 7 days in 3 out of 4 of my previous campaigns matches the average pledge of the entirety of their respective campaigns. The only exception being campaign number 1 (it was lower). You'll also note the similarity of the # of backers who came on board as well. Time for some projections using the data above:

  • Campaign # 5- $1,892/ 43 Backers/ Avg. Pledge $44

IF we match the performance of the first 4 Ennead campaigns we are looking at a funding total of $9,625 and a Backer count of 220.  Not a bad finish if I must say so myself. That said, here's to hoping for more! I'd love to crack the $10,000 mark and get each of the remaining stretch goals knocked out. Here's a little refresher as to what they are:

I'll be back tomorrow with a special reveal!


Writer's Corner #3
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Apr 14, 2022 at 08:52:16 AM

Afternoon Backers,

Tomorrow I'll be back to crunch some key numbers as we enter the final week of the campaign. I've got a few things to work through on my end before things wrap up next Thursday:

  • Finalize letters in Book 7
  • Review Book 1 for color print run
  • Finish setting up the pledge manager
  • Prepare Kickstarter Survey 

I'll likely dedicate a post to each between now and then to give some insight into the process of closing out a successful campaign. Until then, I'm back with some more great writing advice. This time, from veteran comic creator and crowdfunder, Kat Calamia. Kat has a project live right now on Kickstarter, Slice of Live # 1-2, that you should check out!

What’s one time saving writing tip you could offer?  

Your first draft doesn’t have to be perfect. What matters is your finished product! 

What’s the most underrated crowdfunding strategy?  

Being part of the crowdfunding community! Back projects, talk about other people’s projects - this is how crowdfunding sites and creators grow.

Short and sweet! I like it! Kat's latest campaign is well on it's way to funding, but still deserves your support. Click here to check it out today! 

Check out today's video for more!


Emotional Roller Coaster
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Apr 13, 2022 at 09:20:32 AM

Happy Monday folks!

If you've never run a Kickstarter you may not know this but these things are emotional roller coasters. After a great start, we rode this thing to the top of that first big drop... and then we stalled. But if you've ever been to Six Flags Great Adventure and ridden Kingda Ka you know that the tallest roller coasters sometimes don't make it up and over on the first shot.

This thing is no joke...

If you're like me, you sit in the front row of roller coasters and you definitely go "no hands." It's scary stuff. The only thing scarier is being all set to drop then all of a sudden, you slow down, lose velocity, and drift backwards. It feels like you aren't going to make it. Like everything has gone wrong. Except it hasn't.

Once you settle and the downward tumble comes to an end you're all set to take off once again. You're still buckled in. The coaster still works. And you've already seen the top. You've just gotta be patient and stay excited about the eventual drop.

This analogy sums up how I felt last week. Things were going so well (and still are) but when things ticked back it took the wind out of my sails. Now that I'm back from my staycation and extra family time I'm ready to close out the final 10 days of this campaign strong. I've begun putting together the post campaign pledge manager where you'll be to add on items that aren't available here. My head is clear and I'm excited to finish making this the best Ennead Kickstarter yet!

Shockheaded Peter #1 - Twisted fairytale goodness!

Part one of a planned 3-part horror-fantasy graphic novel of marvelous retribution and dreadful delight, Shockheaded Peter is a cautionary tale about the harbinger of punishment and a teenage girl’s desire to join his disturbing crusade. When Shockheaded Peter arrives in the small town of Winding Springs, he sets in motion a macabre game of cat and mouse that has terrible consequences for all the malicious townsfolk. As gruesome and fantastical punishments are doled out, our teenage heroine Ruby, a girl with an actual broken heart, discovers her true purpose. Shockheaded Peter conjures up a crossbreed of Labyrinth and A Nightmare on Elm Street with Tim Burton vibes sprinkled on top.

This campaign is rolling through stretch goals and is not showing signs of slowing. Hop on board now!

Be back tomorrow, or sooner, with more!


I Did it My Way
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Apr 13, 2022 at 08:43:28 AM

Afternoon Backers,  

I'll crunch numbers later this week as we enter the final 7 days of the campaign. But I wanted to share this week's Substack newsletter with you all today. I'm building out Ennead: The Rule of Nine | An Epic Substack  as a place where fans of this series can go to get more: short stories, author commentary, deep dives into lore and worldbuilding, as well as early looks. In addition to that, that's the place to go to sign up for my free newsletter. A decent amount of you already receive it. The rest of you can choose to join now or wait for the official invite after the campaign. Here's a look at what you'd be signing up for:  

The Mindset of an Indie Creator  

As a resident of Hudson County, NJ I'm not far from the birthplace of two American Icons:

Frank Sinatra and Sean ‘Jay-Z’ Carter. Both used their once in a generation's worth of musical talent and acumen to rise above their humble beginnings. To quote the latter as he refers to the former:

"Frank Sinatra on my Sonos, loud as f**k I did it my way."

I feel this sentiment in my bones. As an indie creator a lot of what makes or breaks one in this space is their willingness to "go it alone." I'm not discounting my team, nor am I forgetting the hundreds of Kickstarter backers who continue to help make this thing possible. But at the end of the day, there is nothing stopping me from fulfilling my current Kickstarter, refunding my paid subscribers, and riding off into the sunset, never to create again.

Nothing... other than my desire to continue to create Amashik. And to do it my way.

The fantasy genre is in need of a facelift. The world we live in is too diverse, too nuanced, and too beautiful not to be reflected in the work that we do as creators of speculative fiction. Sure, we have real world references to go off of, but what is stopping us, other than lack of desire, from creating worlds that reflect the one around us?

More than ever, folks of all manner of differences - be they racial, religious, gender identification, sexual preference, age, ability, you name it - are fighting to be seen and heard for who they are. Why can't more creators, writers in particular, find the energy to tap into that? I don't know. Nor can I control it.

What I do know is that a core tenet of creating Ennead has always been to re-envision the fantasy genre for a modern and diverse audience.

I will continue to beat this drum. I will continue to champion this cause. I will continue to tell a story that honors what I love about the fantasy genre. I will continue to challenge what I don't like about it also.

Ambitious? Absolutely. But to quote Mr. Sinatra:

"Yes, there were times I'm sure you knew, when I bit off more than I could chew. But through it all, when there was doubt I ate it up and spit it out. I faced it all and I stood tall and did it my way."

Until tomorrow,


Writer's Corner # 2
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 12:42:43 PM


This week is off to a great start! So much so that I wanted to share something a bit personal with you all today instead of going on about the campaign. Check out the video below for that.

My wife and I are going on our first "staycation" since becoming parents! We've got a bunch of fun things lined up for ourselves and the little one. We are sending the pup to doggie daycare (when necessary of course, she'll be with us too when it's allowed) and going to enjoy ourselves!

That said, I'll still be updating you all if/when we pass a certain milestone.

*Cough* Break our Kickstarter Funding Record. *Cough* Less than $400 away. *Cough*

While I'm still technically going to be here, mentally I'm going to try and relax a little. In the meantime, I wanted to share some more simple and easy to follow advice for all my creators in the crowd. Next up in my Writer's Corner series: Ruben Romero.

Ruben is a comic and Kickstarter veteran at this point. With the launch of Books 4 and 5 in his newest series, The Illusion Witch, he is onto his 8th Kickstarter! The Illusion Witch is a fantastic story with gorgeous art. The story follows the adventure of Aadya Locke, a celebrated illusionist that is reluctantly pulled into a breathtaking world of real magic. Saari is both an awe-inspiring and terrifying realm where Aadya encounters demonic threats like “The Three” - a maniacal wraith whose intentions are truly sinister.

Check out the campaign and Ruben's advice to writers and crowdfunders! 

What’s one piece of time saving writing advice?

"This is something you’ve probably heard before but so many people do not do it. Outlines, they’re your best friend, they keep you on track and help you as a writer envision the entirety of the story. Outlines, series bibles and notes will always save you come script writing time."

What’s the most underrated crowdfunding strategy?

"Actually making real connections. I notice new creators directly messaging people they have never spoken a word to looking for their support. This is not the way, get out of your comfort zone, make real connections with people, you do that and your reach will grow."

Absolutely love Ruben's advice! He's a great creator and someone who deserves your support. Check out The Illusion Witch today!

Check out this week's thank you video below.


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